Ciro Pizzo,
Portraits Photographer

“Living in too much beauty is possible… I believe it!”

Fine Art 01 - Ciro Pizzo Fotografo

Portraits Photographer

My life and photography is based on beauty and magic.

The research and representation of beauty is a priority that leads me to a continuous study of improvement to offer the best to my clients.

Magic, on the other hand, is something that cannot be explained, it is a feeling, a connection to higher energies, becoming a channeler for a moment and consequently manifest through each photo.

Portraits Photographer

It’s my specialization. For me it is essential to have a human presence within a shot. Immortalize the essence, originality and beauty of the subject placed before my goal the greatest stimulus regardless of whether it is a woman, a professional, a personality or a couple.


Wedding Photographer

As with all my work, even telling a wedding is an opportunity to express art. Offering a different report to my clients is a commitment that leads me to transform what everyone sees into what I see.


ADV Photographer

Being able to evoke the quality and beauty of a product in the public through a figuration is a challenge and as challenging it is stimulating.


Fine Art Photographer

It undoubtedly represents the best environment where it is possible to give physical form to all artistic visions free from external constraints to my personality.